
Facilitating actionable solutions for a sustainable energy future

Experience, skill, collaboration, and imagination

Working at the nexus of public policy, technology, communications, and business; To the Point brings an unusual perspective that crosses functional disciplines to cut to the heart of the problems and recommend achievable solutions. We have a proven record of successful collaborations in the energy sector, technology innovation, social service agencies, and non-profits. Our specialty is drawing out the wisdom found in an organization and complementing it with insights and lessons from other players and industries.

Conduct research and meta-analyses

There is no shortage of extensive, in-depth research throughout the industry conducted by credible organizations. What To the Point brings to the table is an exceptional ability to identify and highlight tangible insights that make research actionable. We specialize in analyzing complex technology eco-systems and synthesizing large quantities of disparate source material so subjects can be readily shared with expert and non-expert audiences.

Develop policy guidelines

Too many energy policies are defined in silos ignoring interdependencies among stakeholder concerns, practical considerations, and realistic adoption timelines. We facilitate development of guidelines that consider diverse interests, potential for unintended consequences, and impacts on communities who might not be well- represented in evidentiary proceedings. Our efforts complement legal documents with materials accessible to a broad range of stakeholders, media, and the public.

Develop models and frameworks

Great models and information frameworks help organizations and stakeholders analyze complex issues, obtain insights that break through seemingly intractable disagreements, and organize comprehensive subject matter in ways that lead to greater understanding.

Conduct stakeholder engagement experiences

Lack of trust is a major barrier to meaningful collaboration among stakeholder groups: regulators, utilities, vendors, consumer advocates, and consumers. We practice the art of skillful moderation and design experiences at varied scales (small teams to hundreds of community members) where participants can find common ground. We combine expertise in facilitation and human-centered design with an understanding of technical aspects as well as the policy implications. Our ability to ask tough questions and make connections from seemingly disparate points of view adds value to the process and to the outcomes.

Advise Policymakers

Governmental leaders and staff cannot realistically be expert in all subject areas. Even when acting with the best of intentions, our representatives may not realize the true impact of aggressive aspirational goals and mandates on energy and water markets, operations, families, disadvantaged communities, and vulnerable consumers. To the Point has earned a reputation as an honest broker who will speak truth to power and can recognize that not every action is a conspiracy

Advise innovators and solution providers

Achieving meaningful carbon reduction and improving reliability and affordability will require new technologies, products, and services that are not yet widely deployed. With a long track record of introducing and explaining disruptive technologies, To the Point offers marketing services to companies and organizations who are working to realize the clean energy transition.