
Building bridges with customers and stakeholders

Strategic marketing and systems consultancy

To the Point is a strategic marketing and systems consultancy working on the leading edge of human-centered design, communication and marketing programs, systems analysis, and applied technology since 1987. We specialize in analyzing complex technology eco-systems and synthesizing large quantities of disparate source material so topics can be readily understood and communicated from both expert and non-expert audience perspectives.

We develop scalable information architectures, frameworks, and models that can be leveraged by internal client and other external teams or executed by To the Point into integrated marketing campaigns and education programs.

View Client List

Energy Sector Clients

  • ADS (Association for Demand Response and Smart Grid)
  • Capgemini
  • Clasma
  • EEI (Edison Electric Institute)
  • EWEB (Eugene Water and Electric Board)
  • Hydro One
  • IEE (Institute for Electric Efficiency)
  • IEEE Power and Energy Society
  • LIEIF (Low Income Energy Issues Forum)
  • National Action Plan for DR Coalition
  • National Grid
  • San Diego Gas & Electric
  • Smart Cities Council
  • SECC (Smart Energy Consumer Collaborative)
  • SMPPI (PowerCentsDC Pilot)
  • Trilliant
  • U.S. Department of Energy

Tech Clients

  • AltaVista
  • Alchemedia Technologies
  • Apple
  • AHL
  • Bay Networks
  • Blyth Software
  • Blue Pumpkin Software
  • Check Point Software Technologies
  • Claris
  • Compaq Computer
  • Elateral
  • Everex
  • GO Corp.
  • Handspring
  • Hewlett Packard
  • Infomediate
  • International Power Technology
  • Logitech
  • Magnify
  • Management Solutions Inc.
  • Manufacturing Centric Group
  • NEC
  • NetFrame
  • Nortel
  • Novell
  • Palm
  • Penguin Computing
  • Polar Spring Corp.
  • Putnam New Media
  • Regis McKenna Inc.
  • Silicon Graphics
  • Sun Microsystems
  • Tensilica
  • VISA
  • VTech
  • Zembu
  • Zilog
  • Zoran


President and Founder

Judith Schwartz

Working at the nexus of public policy, technology, communications, and business; Ms. Schwartz consults to government agencies, national organizations, research companies, utilities, and technology innovators. Ms. Schwartz is a frequent speaker at industry forums. She publishes articles, reports, research studies and organizes cross-stakeholder collaborations. After management roles at Apple Computer, Ms. Schwartz founded To the Point in 1987, specializing in systems consulting, organizational alignment, strategic marketing, and integrated multi-media marketing campaigns for leading companies and start-ups introducing disruptive technologies. She simultaneously co-founded and served as president of a start-up that invented a freeze crystallization technology for water purification that was ahead of its time.

Since 2009 To the Point has focused on customer and stakeholder engagement in the energy sector; identifying and prototyping best practices for sustainability, Smart Grid, renewables, time-variant pricing, low-income programs, and equitable decarbonization. She was principal investigator for the Low Income Consumer Solar Working Group which convened stakeholders over the course of 2018 and resulted in a roadmap to encourage broader access to solar. Ms. Schwartz is an advisor to Pintail Power, a developer of large-scale, long-duration energy storage solutions.

Ms. Schwartz is a graduate of Cornell University’s College of Architecture, Art, and Planning. She is a former Vice Chair of the Palo Alto Utility Advisory Commission.